Collect property of objects in collection

In C# I can do this:

IEnumerable<long> ids = => x.Id);

In Java I have to do this:

Collection<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(things.size());
for(Thing x : things)

Have to do this sort of thing quite a lot now and wonder if there is a more generic way to do this in Java. Could create a method to do it, but then I would have to add an interface with the getId method or something like that... which I can't...

using Guava, specifically the function interface :

public class ThingFunction implements Function<Thing, Long> {
    public Long apply(Thing thing) {
        return user.getId();

and invoked like this (where transform is a static import from Collections2 of guava:

Collection<Long> ids = transform(things, new ThingFunction());

Guava has quite a few other benefits too.

使用Apache Commons的BeanUtils和Collections:

Collection<Long> ids = CollectionUtils.collect(things,
        new BeanToPropertyValueTransformer("id"));

In Groovy you would only have to do this:

Set ids = things.collect{ aThing -> aThing.Id}

That would give you all the Ids from all the things in Things as a list.

Here is some info on Groovy, and some differences compared to Java


上一篇: 如何导入/包含在封闭样式表中?

下一篇: 收集集合中的对象的属性