How to import/include in Closure Stylesheet?

Reading this page, I can't seem to find any documentation explaining how to include or import another .gss files. Is this possible?

I've never used .gss nor have I tested the following, but just looking at the documentation on the page seems to imply to me that including multiple ones would just be:

java -jar closure-stylesheets.jar --pretty-print first.gss
java -jar closure-stylesheets.jar --pretty-print second.gss

Though it also appears to be simpler to use the minification technique noted on the page:

java -jar closure-stylesheets.jar first.gss second.gss third.gss

Try either or both those techniques on your site and see if it solves your question.

This is a bug in the current implementation, see thread discussing this

Here's the download link

Hope this helps


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