Convert datetime into time ago

I need to convert DateTime into the year, month, days, hours, minutes, seconds ago like as yahoo question asked 5week ago, or 1 year ago or 1 month ago, my date is saved in the database like this: 2011-11-30 05:25:50 .

Now I want to show like year, month, days, hours, minutes and seconds in PHP like: how much year, how many months , days, hours, minutes, seconds ago, but need only one time unit show like it will be year or days or hours or minutes or seconds.

I have searched about this but not understand how I can do this, I know there are many questions at this topic on Stack Overflow, maybe it is duplicate but I am unable to solve my issue.

Thanks in advance.

Assuming you mean relative to the present (if you don't, please clarify your question), you could use this:

$then = new DateTime('2011-11-30 05:25:50');
$now = new DateTime();
$delta = $now->diff($then);

$quantities = array(
    'year' => $delta->y,
    'month' => $delta->m,
    'day' => $delta->d,
    'hour' => $delta->h,
    'minute' => $delta->i,
    'second' => $delta->s);

$str = '';
foreach($quantities as $unit => $value) {
    if($value == 0) continue;
    $str .= $value . ' ' . $unit;
    if($value != 1) {
        $str .= 's';
    $str .=  ', ';
$str = $str == '' ? 'a moment ' : substr($str, 0, -2);

echo $str;


1 year, 9 months, 17 days, 14 hours, 31 minutes, 31 seconds

I've always used this function:

function when($datetime) {   

    define("SECOND", 1);
    define("MINUTE", 60 * SECOND);
    define("HOUR", 60 * MINUTE); define("DAY", 24 * HOUR);
    define("MONTH", 30 * DAY); $delta = time() - strtotime($datetime);

    // convert

    if($delta < 1 * MINUTE) { return $delta == 1 ? "one second ago" : $delta." seconds ago"; }
    if($delta < 2 * MINUTE) { return "a minute ago"; } if($delta < 45 * MINUTE) { return floor($delta / MINUTE)." minutes ago"; }
    if($delta < 90 * MINUTE) { return "an hour ago"; } if($delta < 24 * HOUR) { return floor($delta / HOUR)." hours ago"; }
    if($delta < 48 * HOUR) { return "yesterday"; } if($delta < 30 * DAY) { return floor($delta / DAY)." days ago"; }
    if($delta < 12 * MONTH) { $months = floor($delta / DAY / 30); return $months <= 1 ? "one month ago" : $months." months ago"; }
    else { $years = floor($delta / DAY / 365); return $years <= 1 ? "one year ago" : $years." years ago"; }


echo when(YOUR DATE HERE) will return the best format of relative time, which might be days, hours, or if it wasn't that long ago, even in seconds.

Try this:

PHP has a nice function strtotime all ready for your needs.

That'll give you a timestamp, then you can just do math from there from whatever date you are subtracting from.


上一篇: 精确计算两个日期之间的天数

下一篇: 将datetime转换为更早的时间