How to compile a Win32 program from the command line with Delphi

as the title says, I'm trying to compile a Win32 program without the aid of an IDE, just so I can learn. I'm using Borland Studio 2006, and my first thought was to take some files generated from a Forms application from the IDE and compile the project file... that gave me errors about expecting unit and finding object instead. I know that's from the dfm file which holds all the settings for a form, but I don't get how the IDE deals with that file, can anyone help me understand the system better? :)

If I have understood correctly, you need to grasp the structure of a Delphi project and how Forms and units work together. You cannot just cherry-pick some files and expect to be able to feed them to the compiler.

You also have to set the path to the library/components/used files so that the compiler can find everything it needs, starting with the project dpr.

I would recommend that you try first to run your project from the IDE, then once it runs, you can try it from the command line.

I found out all I needed to do is compile the top level unit into a dcu, and then the project will compile :) If anyone else is trying to do the same thing, there's some great info at the bottom of this page

WANT自动化了像Jakarta Ant那样构建,测试和打包应用程序和库的过程


上一篇: “你的证书”在Firefox中存储在哪里?

下一篇: 如何使用Delphi从命令行编译Win32程序