How to convert ppt slide to jpeg images in php

I saw some similar questions on this forum but all those were for .NET platform so please don't close it as duplicate. I have a linux system and I want to convert slide to images via php or shell script(less preferable). the convert command can convert pdf to jpg's but not a ppt.

Any help would be great.

I don't think thats possible. Using .NET would means that the user is creating an instance of a powerpoint application and asking it to print a specific slide to a JPG or PDF but in the case of PHP i don't think it could be possible from a linux system.

In the event you can go on windows server, then you could use the COM interface of PHP to create a COM application and start an installed PowerPoint application and do the same thing as long as the COM component is exposing the necessary methods (probably PRINT())

Good luck seems to have all the building blocks in place, there is even a sample webapp.

We used the old version at successfully some time ago, but thI really can't remember the details.

hi you need to enable COM in php.ini then you can try this out


$ppApp = new COM("PowerPoint.Application");
$ppApp->Visible = True;
$strPath = realpath(basename(getenv($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]))); // C:/AppServ/www/myphp
$ppName = "MySlides.ppt";
$FileName = "MyPP";
//*** Open Document ***//
//*** Save Document ***//
$ppApp->ActivePresentation->SaveAs($strPath."/".$FileName,17);  //'*** 18=PNG, 19=BMP **'
$ppApp = null;



上一篇: 在pypi上列出多个版本

下一篇: 如何将ppt幻灯片转换为php中的jpeg图像