Proxy a file from S3 with Heroku and Rails

I need to send a file stored in S3 through my rails application hosted on heroku. I cannot use a redirect to the URL of the file on S3 as I want to send a sitemap which should be served from the same domain as the links inside.

Ideally, I would use some sort of proxy method to send the file by the rails app, at least, I can download the file in the tmp directory of heroku and send it after.

I would also send the right content-type for the file.

Do you know how can I achieve it ? What will be the best way ?

There is a rack app which is doing that but I'm not sure how to reproduce it in Rails, see the code here

Thanks for your help

It looks like this:

blob =  AWS::S3::S3Object.value( filename, bucketname )
send_data( blob,
           { :type => 'image/jpg,
             :disposition => 'inline' } )

the type can be image/jpg, image/gif, etc


上一篇: Azure ACS是否支持像Salesforce这样的saml 2.0 IdPs?

下一篇: 使用Heroku和Rails从S3中代理文件