bash scripting: how to get item name on a radiolist using dialog

i need to make a radiolist in bash script using dialog interface, for example if i have the following list:

dialog --backtitle "OS infomration" 
--radiolist "Select OS:" 10 40 3 
 1 "Linux 7.2" off 
 2 "Solaris 9" on 
 3 "HPUX 11i" off

I want that when the user choose an option and press ok my scripts read the item name (and not the item number).

It is possible? Thanks!


array=(Linux Solaris HPUX)
var=$(dialog --backtitle "OS infomration" 
--radiolist "Select OS:" 10 40 3 
 1 "Linux 7.2" off 
 2 "Solaris 9" on 
 3 "HPUX 11i" off >/dev/tty 2>&1 )

printf 'nnYou chose: %sn' "${array[var - 1]}"

上一篇: 在JavaScript中从DataURL下载文件

下一篇: bash脚本:如何使用对话框在radiolist上获取项目名称