Safari for Ipad not reporting line numbers on Javascript errors

I am using iPad 2 with IOs 5 to develop a web application.

I have enabled the developer console to get logs , but when javascript error occurs it does not include corresponding line number.

Since the web application handles touch and gesture events, I cannot test them on desktop version of the browser!

Any help will be appreciated.

You can add a window level error handler

and have that console log the line number. You'll be getting two console logs per error, but you will have more control over the output.

您可以尝试使用常规的Safari或Chrome,然后在使用iPad之前将其写入,或者您也可以使用Weinre应用程序为您提供诸如firebug / chrome开发人员工具等控制台。


上一篇: BlackBerry上的会话信息丢失(ColdFusion应用程序)

下一篇: Safari for iPad不报告Javascript错误的行号