Android manifest VM minimal heap size

Is there an option to declare the required minimal VM heap size for the OS/device in Android manifest, such that the Android Market would only display the application for devices meeting the requirement and filter out the rest.

I can detect the maximal VM heap size during the startup of the application, and fail if there is not enough available memory. However, this would be inconvenient for the users.

To be specific, I'm working on a hobby game with a friend, where graphics require at least 16MB but no more than 24MB of memory. The memory usage is more or less optimal in a sense that only required graphics are loaded in memory at any given state of the game.

One way which you could use to ensure that your application uses maximum of available heap is by setting android:largeHeap=true in manifest file of your application. But this feature is available for operating systems 3.0 and above


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