Eclipse debugger "jumps" skipping important code

I have a weird problem debugging an android application. To be accurate, I copy here the exact code I'm running on:

    // Get the puzzles from cache
List<PuzzleDetails> newPuzzles = m_cachedPuzzles.getPuzzles(count);

if(newPuzzles.size() > 0){
    // Remove from cache
    m_cachedPuzzles.removePuzzles(newPuzzles);  // LINE (A)     

    // Add the new puzzles from cache immediately

    Log.d("requests", "" + newPuzzles.size() + " moved from cache to user");

int left = count - newPuzzles.size();       
String deviceId = ResourcesPublisher.getInstance().getDeviceId();

// Don't let anyone else use these points for now

Log.d("requests", "aquirePuzzles(" + left + ")");

// Get a list of requests for 'left' number of puzzles
RequestList reqList = getRequestList(left);

// TODO this is a bug, now
if(reqList.size() > 1){
    reqList = getRequestList(left);  // LINE (B)

When I run on this code, after stepping over the line (A) m_cachedPuzzles.removePuzzles(newPuzzles); The debugger "jumps" to the last line (B) reqList = getRequestList(left);

A simple check shows it really skipped all code between these code lines. For example the Log.d(...) was never called nor written.

Can anyone give me a clue why does it happen???


尝试在编译代码之后并开始调试之前,在项目资源管理器上显示的项目上执行右键单击> refresh


        mIsReaded = (mIsReaded)?false:true;
        //mIsReaded = !mIsReaded;

In my case commented codeline cause the similar problem (two lines are skipped). For to solve it I just changed this line by codeline posted above (I mean mIsReaded = (mIsReaded)?false:true;) So different cases haves different solutions. It is result of code optimization by compiler, so please refactor something in (inside) m_cachedPuzzles.removePuzzles(newPuzzles);


上一篇: 如何在脚本标记字符串中嵌入变量?

下一篇: Eclipse调试器“跳转”跳过重要的代码