Is there a list of values I can use for objectClass and objectCategory?

I'm new to LDAP queries so I have been reading up on it to use in my application since I want to use filters to get certain results against Active Directory. I'm still a little confused and just want some clarification on somethings.

It seems like for objectClass theres User, Contact and inetOrgPerson For example:


For objectCategory Person, Computer, and Group.

Is there more values to objectClass and objectCategory besides the ones I listed?

Also is this a good list of most if not all the attributes and classes for objectClass and objectCategory?

The correct and authoritative source for LDAP attribute and objectClasses is IETF, not zytrax. There are number of RFCs describing (more or less) standardized object classes and attributes. Each vendor may have objectClasses and attributes specific to their implementation, consult the vendor documentation for this information, although strictly speaking, applications should not be coded with knowledge of an implementation.

You should give a look to the Active Directory Schema.


上一篇: IntelliJ的IDEA和Eclipse在同一个项目上

下一篇: 有没有我可以用于objectClass和objectCategory的值列表?