



例如,在编辑时按下或上移,而不是光标上移,我希望文本下降。 这应该导致光标停留的印象。




<RichTextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="311" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="509" PreviewKeyDown="HandleKeyDownEvent">
                <Paragraph Margin="0">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla turpis sem, tincidunt id vestibulum venenatis, fermentum eget orci. Donec mollis neque ac leo tincidunt tempus. Pellentesque mollis, nunc sit amet fermentum rutrum, lectus augue ultrices nibh, at lacinia est est ut justo. Cras non quam eu enim vulputate porttitor eu sit amet lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas metus nunc, dapibus id dapibus rhoncus, semper quis leo. Pellentesque eget risus magna, dignissim aliquam diam. Morbi.


private void HandleKeyDownEvent(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            RichTextBox rtb = sender as RichTextBox;
            if (rtb != null)
                //text to scroll up relative to caret
                if (e.Key == Key.Down)
                    Block paragraph;

                    //get the whitespace paragraph at end of documnent
                    paragraph = 
                                .Where(x => x.Name == "lastParagraph")

                    // if there is no white space paragraph create it
                    if (paragraph == null)
                        paragraph = new Paragraph { Name = "lastParagraph", Margin = new Thickness(0) };

                        //add to the end of the document
                        rtb.Document.Blocks.InsertAfter(rtb.Document.Blocks.LastBlock, paragraph);

                    // if viewport larger than document, add whitespace content to fill view port
                    if (rtb.ExtentHeight < rtb.ViewportHeight)
                        Thickness margin = new Thickness() { Top = rtb.ViewportHeight - rtb.ExtentHeight };
                                margin.Bottom = rtb.ViewportHeight - rtb.ExtentHeight;
                                paragraph.Margin = margin;


                    // if the document has been scrolled to the end or doesn't fill the view port
                    if (rtb.VerticalOffset + rtb.ViewportHeight == rtb.ExtentHeight)
                        // and a line to the white paragraph

                    //move the text up relative to caret
                // text is to scroll download relative to caret
                if (e.Key == Key.Up)
                    // get whitespace at start of document
                    Block paragraph;
                    paragraph =
                                .Where(x => x.Name == "firstParagraph")

                    //if whitespace paragraph is null append a new one
                    if (paragraph == null)
                        paragraph = new Paragraph { Name = "firstParagraph", Margin = new Thickness(0) };
                        rtb.Document.Blocks.InsertBefore(rtb.Document.Blocks.FirstBlock, paragraph);

                    // up document is at top add white space 
                    if (rtb.VerticalOffset == 0.0)

                    //move text one line down relative to caret

编辑:这种方法似乎工作。 线高度是通过使用一条线的顶端与下一条线的顶端之间的差值来确定的,从而避免了线偏移影响偏移量的问题。

             <!-- Place content here -->


    private void PreviewKeyDownHandler(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        RichTextBox rtb = sender as RichTextBox;
        if (rtb != null)
            if (e.Key == Key.Down)
                // if there is another line below current
                if (rtb.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(0) != rtb.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(1))
                    // find the FlowDocumentView through reflection
                    FrameworkElement flowDocumentView = GetFlowDocument(rtb);

                    // get the content bounds of the current line 
                    Rect currentLineBounds = rtb.CaretPosition.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                    // move the caret down to next line
                    EditingCommands.MoveDownByLine.Execute(null, rtb);

                    // get the content bounds of the new line
                    Rect nextLineBounds = rtb.CaretPosition.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                    // get the offset the document
                    double currentDocumentOffset = flowDocumentView.Margin.Top;

                    // add the height of the previous line to the offset 
                    // the character rect of a line doesn't include the baseline offset so the actual height of line has to be determined
                    // from the difference in the offset between the tops of the character rects of the consecutive lines
                    flowDocumentView.Margin = new Thickness { Top = currentDocumentOffset + currentLineBounds.Top - nextLineBounds.Top };

                // prevent default behavior
                e.Handled = true;
            if (e.Key == Key.Up)
                if (rtb.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(0) != rtb.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(-1))
                    FrameworkElement flowDocumentView = GetFlowDocument(rtb);

                    Rect currentLineBounds = rtb.CaretPosition.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                    EditingCommands.MoveUpByLine.Execute(null, rtb);

                    Rect nextLineBounds = rtb.CaretPosition.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                    double currentDocumentOffset = flowDocumentView.Margin.Top;

                    flowDocumentView.Margin = new Thickness { Top = currentDocumentOffset + currentLineBounds.Top - nextLineBounds.Top };

                e.Handled = true;

    protected FrameworkElement GetFlowDocument(RichTextBox textBox)
        FrameworkElement flowDocumentVisual =
          GetChildByTypeName(textBox, "FlowDocumentView") as FrameworkElement;

        return flowDocumentVisual;

    protected DependencyObject GetChildByTypeName(DependencyObject dependencyObject, string name)
        if (dependencyObject.GetType().Name == name)
            return dependencyObject;
            if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(dependencyObject) > 0)
                int childCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(dependencyObject);

                for (int idx = 0; idx < childCount; idx++)
                    var dp = GetChildByTypeName(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dependencyObject, idx), name);
                    if (dp != null)
                        return dp;

                return null;
                return null;


TextPointer start = flowDocument.ContentStart;
        TextPointer caretPosition = RichTextBox1.CaretPosition;

        var offset = start.GetOffsetToPosition(caretPosition);
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/10491.html

上一篇: Keeping the FlowDocument cursor centered vertically in the RichTextBox

下一篇: Run process under current user