JQueryUI Dialog TinyMCE Issues

i am having some problems with the TinyMCE (V3.4.7) and JqueryUI (V1.8.14) Dialog

the following Fiddler link shows my example purfectly here

What i am trying to do is open a JqueryUI Dialog box with a TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor in it.

the first time it displays properly. but if you click close and then reopen the box it will not show the Editor but just the TextArea.

Any help would be good. Thanks


I did find out a solution that works for me, i have put up the working code here What i am doing is check to see if the dialog has been opened before and if so just open it, then in the Open Function i test to see if the box contains an element with id_parent if it does then this will be the editor (so do nothing) otherwise just init as usual.

it seems there is a problem with the JQuery Plug in as it does not remove the elements when you call tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl',false,'editor_id') and when you re-add the editor it attaches to the first box available.

Problem here is that you need to shut down tinymce correctly in order to open an editor with the same id.


ed.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'editor_id');// editor_id equals the id of your textarea
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/10552.html

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下一篇: JQueryUI对话框TinyMCE问题