Windows Workflow in Azure

I am building an application which will be running workflows on Azure.

I have seen the build presentation Building Applications with Workflow and Azure – BUILD 2011 which discusses what is capable today, as well as what will be possible going forward. One thing that is discussed is something called the "Azure Workflow Service", which I understand is scheduled to be previewed in 2012. However, I haven't been able to find out much more information about it.

Additionally, there's an earlier presentation Workflow in Windows Azure AppFabric which discusses more about workflows in Azure, focusing on the Windows Azure AppFabric CTP. There's a lot of cool functionality discussed in this presentation, but I am not sure if any of that functionality is available now or if not, when it might be available.

So two questions:

If I need to build the application today, what is the suggested approach for implementing workflows on Azure?

If the application does not need to be finished until a year from now or so, what is the suggested approach for implementing workflows on Azure?

Right now hosting a workflow service in Windows Azure is not much different that hosting it yourself in a web application on IIS without the benefit of using Windows Server AppFabric. You can use SQL Azure as the instance store. You will need to get Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 as this update changed the SQL scripts to be compatible with SQL Azure.

See here. Anotheer post I did on the subject is here but keep in mind that the script issue is solved by the Framework 4 Platform Update 1 and that also includes support for the transient connection conditions mentioned.


上一篇: 如何按主色自动分类图像?

下一篇: Windows Azure中的工作流程