Eclipse CDT: 'can't find a source file' while debugging

I'm using Eclipse with CDT for C++ development. However, I'm forced to use ASCII-symbols in paths to my source files to succesfully debug my programs. When source files are located in folders with non-English characters in their names, Eclipse gives an error:

Can't find a source file at "/home/321202320265321201321202/1.cpp" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

Is there any option that enables Eclipse to do proper Unicode processing?

Perhaps move your code to a workspace that sits at root, as in /workspace/projectName/src/1.cpp

If you can't find out exactly why and solve it, the next best thing is to circumvent...

Here is your answer:

I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.

I know it is an old question. For me it was some weird behaviour in eclipse therefore starting eclipse like:

./eclipse -clean -clearPersistedState -refresh

removed the issue for me


上一篇: 我如何以正确的方式使缓存失效?

下一篇: Eclipse CDT:调试时'找不到源文件'