Adding Areas to an MVC application

I have an MVC application that has been in Production for a while. I would like to add a new Admin section to the application which I wanted to do by creating a new Area. I'm just curious what sorts of things I might need to be aware of when adding this new area.


  • Is there any existing functionality that is likely to break by adding the new Area?
  • What is the best way to make an Area restricted to a certain group? Base controller class?
  • Any other things (common mistakes, etc.) that I need to be aware of that adding a new Area will affect?

  • One thing to be careful of is naming collisions - if you have 2 controllers with the same name but in different areas you need to add namespaces, as described here:

    To restrict the admin area to a certain group, you could use the Authorize attribute with Roles on the Admin controller(s), as desribed here: ASP.NET MVC 3 - How to restrict areas in an efficient way?


    上一篇: 模式表格单元格形成

    下一篇: 将区域添加到MVC应用程序