Metro Theme system brushes don't change

I've been working on my first Metro application and I'm wanting to change my theme from the default dark theme to a light theme. It appears Metro has some built in themes if you look at the platform pane in VS11 and Blend. I assumed changing the Theme from Default(which is dark) to Light would change the system brushes from dark to light. It does appear to work in the designer but when running the program everything is still dark.

Am I doing something wrong to get the System brushes to change, or am I missing the point of what Platform theme is? Or is it just a bug?

Open up the html page you want to change and then locate <!-- WinJS references --> at the head of the document, and then change the stylesheet reference from ui-dark.css to ui-light.css .

Do this for all html pages in the app including the default.html page.

The Platform pane isn't for making changes to your application itself. It's for setting up the simulation environment that you want to use as your design-time context. Changing the Display setting, for example, doesn't reset your screen resolution or resize your app - it still runs full screen. Similarly, Theme is an OS setting which you won't see changes in at runtime unless you change the OS theme in the control panel. This is similar in concept to how WPF uses different themes with different control templates for Aero, Royale(XP style), and Classic(Win2K style) depending on what the user is running.


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