How to name graphic files for iPad 3

As I understad in iOS we can named our file for retina display as name@2x.png.

How to name file for iPad 3

ipad.png - iPad, iPad 2

ipad@2x.png - iPad 3

Is this correct?


Yes, that is correct.

Any image for Retina display should have " @2x " as part of the file name.

And if you have images that are different between iPhone and iPad (as iBrad mentions), you can add "~ipad" or "~iphone" differentiators to the name. Look at the "Updating Your Image Resource files" section of this Apple documentation.

Apple does have some "Custom Icon & Image Creation Guidelines" that you can look through for more details, including a section named "Tips for Creating Great Artwork for the Retina Display."

Also, here is a related question that talks about how to adapt your images for retina display.


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下一篇: 如何为iPad 3命名图形文件