Safari (Mac OS X Lion) returns wrong epochtime value to position.timestamp call

I am creating a website that uses W3C Geolocation API and position.timestamp for timestamp. I have tested it on Safari 5.1.6 (Mac OS X Lion) and iPhone (5.x). iPhone default browser returns correct value for timestamp, while Safari does not. Has anyone experience similar issue? Is there a bug in Safari?

Test it here:

Running the test above (thanks Tyilo) I get 360419807893 (wrong one using position.timestamp ) and 1338727007910 (correct one using Date().getTime() ) using Safari on Mac OS X.



上一篇: 如何让编辑器在Virtualtreeview中保持活跃?

下一篇: Safari(Mac OS X Lion)将错误的epochtime值返回给position.timestamp调用