Can Bamboo C.I Server be configured to show workspace like Jenkins?

我想知道是否有一个显示正在运行的项目的源代码的面板,因为Jenkins CI服务器有这个,所以我想知道如果竹也有它。

With Bamboo, its possible to browse the files on the file system if the build has run on the same machine as the server from any job result.

Do you want to browse the source or just want to get at files created by the build? If its the latter, you can capture any files from the working directory using Artifacts.

The only way you can view the source and build output is to log on to the Bamboo agent that ran the build. You can get the information you need from the first two lines of the log for each job:

simple  15-Apr-2015 18:28:52    Build My Projects - Foo - Build and Test #95 (MP-FOO-JOB1-95) started building on agent bamboo-slave1
simple  15-Apr-2015 18:28:53    Build working directory is /opt/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/MP-FOO-JOB1

So in the above case, you would log on to bamboo-slave1 and

cd /opt/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/MP-FOO-JOB1

上一篇: 如何获得管理页面的权限到特定的Facebook页面或应用程序?

下一篇: 可以将Bamboo CI Server配置为显示Jenkins这样的工作区吗?