find all rectangular areas with certain properties in a matrix

given an n*m matrix with the possible values of 1, 2 and null:

  . . . . . 1 . .
  . 1 . . . . . 1
  . . . 2 . . . .
  . . . . 2 . . .
  1 . . . . . 1 .
  . . . . . . . .
  . . 1 . . 2 . .
  2 . . . . . . 1

I am looking for all blocks B (containing all values between (x0,y0) and (x1,y1)) that:

  • contain at least one '1'
  • contain no '2'
  • are not a subset of a another block with the above properties
  • Example:

    The red, green and blue area all contain an '1', no '2', and are not part of a larger area. There are of course more than 3 such blocks in this picture. I want to find all these blocks.

    what would be a fast way to find all these areas?

    I have a working brute-force solution, iterating over all possible rectangles, checking if they fulfill the first two criteria; then iterating over all found rectangles, removing all rectangles that are contained in another rectangle; and I can speed that up by first removing consecutive identical rows and columns. But I am fairly certain that there is a much faster way.

    You can get somewhere between considering every rectangle, and a properly clever solution.

    For example, starting at each 1 you could create a rectangle and gradually expand its edges outwards in 4 directions. Stop when you hit a 2, record this rectangle if (a) you've had to stop in all 4 directions, and (b) you haven't seen this rectangle before.

    Then backtrack: you need to be able to generate both the red rectangle and the green rectangle starting from the 1 near the top left.

    This algorithm has some pretty bad worst cases, though. An input consisting of all 1 s springs to mind. So it does need to be combined with some other cleverness, or some constraints on the input.

    Consider the simpler one dimension problem:

    Find all the substrings of .2.1.1...12....2..1.1..2.1..2 which contains at least one 1 and no 2 and are not substring of such string. This can be solved in linear time, you just have to check if there is a 1 between two 2 .

    Now you can easily adapt this algorithm to the two dimension problem:

    For 1≤i≤j≤n sum all lines from i to j using the following law: .+.=. , .+1=1 , .+2=2 , 1+1=1 , 1+2=2 , 2+2=2 and apply the one dimension algorithm to the resulting line.

    Complexity: O(n²m).

    I finally found a solution that works almost in linear time (there is a small factor depending on the number of found areas). I think this is the fastest possible solution.

    Inspired by this answer: (pictures also taken from there)

    First, I go trought the matrix by column, creating a new matrix M1 measuring the number of steps to the last '1' and a matrix M2 measuring the number of steps to the last '2'

    imagine a '1' or '2' in any of the grey blocks in the above picture

    in the end I have M1 and M2 looking like this:

    No go through M1 and M2 in reverse, by row:

    I execute the following algorithm:

     foundAreas = new list()
     For each row y backwards:
         potentialAreas = new List()
         for each column x:
            if M2[x,y]>M2[x-1,y]:
                add to potentialAreas: 
                    new Area(left=x,height=M2[x,y],hasOne=M1[x,y],hasTop=false)
            if M2[x,y]<M2[x-1,y]:
                for each area in potentialAreas:
                     if area.hasTop and area.hasOne<area.height:
                            add to foundAreas:
                                 new Box(Area.left,y-area.height,x,y)
                if M2[x,y]==0: delete all potentialAreas
                     find the area in potentialAreas with height=M2[x,y] 
                     or the one with the closest bigger height: set its height to M2[x,y]
                     delete all potentialAreas with a bigger height
                for each area in potentialAreas:
                     if area.hasOne>M1[x,y]: area.hasOne=M1[x,y]
                     if M2[x,y+1]==0: area.hasTop=true

    now foundAreas contains all rectangles with the desired properties.


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