c in a Mac OS X app

Is there a tutorial available which explains how to scan for available wifi networks via Objective-C in a mac app? I have been searching for the past few days but only found bonjour related results. I read that CoreWLAN framework is used for wifi scanning and communication, could anyone please guide me in this regards? I just want to create a program which scans for available wifi routers around. And then when I click on any of the router, it gives me a list of devices attached with that router. Is it possible?

Best Regards

苹果的开发者网站有一个很好的示例项目,这里似乎使用代码解释你在找什么 - 这里也有一些老的教程,虽然它可能仍然会帮助你。

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/10878.html

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