pdf is not rendering header

        render :pdf => "file_name",
                     :layout      => 'pdf.html.erb',
                     :template    => 'transactions/show.pdf.erb',
                      :wkhtmltopdf => WICKED_PDF_BIN,
                      :show_as_html => true,
                    :layout => 'pdf.html.erb',
                    :header => {:html => { :template => 'shared/header.pdf.erb'}}

PDF is generated fine, unfortunately I do not see the header. I can stick the header in the main layout and it works fine too. It seems to me that the header line above is not being processed. The filename 'header.pdf.erb' does not seem to matter. I can point it to a file that does not exist and it throws no error.

This is Mac OS, Rails 3.2.1, ruby 1.9

You may want to simply render the template as a string and assign it to the header's content. Try this out:

header: {
  content: render_to_string(template: 'header.pdf.haml')

It works well for me.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/10972.html

上一篇: 我可以用CSS来完成这个吗?

下一篇: pdf不是渲染标题