Multithreading in LLVM

I need to generate LLVM code that will serve a lot of threads/tasks (hundreds of thousands). These threads should be lightweight like Intel TBB's tasks, golang gorutines or other. Of course they can be implemented with external C++ libraries like mentioned Intel TBB (if it is compatible with LLVM).

I was searching for long time for any information about threading in LLVM and I haven't found much. In the documentation of LLVM there are described some API calls but I think it's not what I'm looking for.

So there are few questions:

  • Is it possible to use technologies like Intel's TBB or Cilk together with LLVM?
  • What threading library should I use in this situation?

  • 实际上似乎有一些使用intel TBB和LLVM的项目,例如英特尔自己的opencl SDK使用TBB和LLVM作为其编译器, -opencl-SDK /


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