set text to google+ share button

I'm creating a page which has a g+ share button, but I wanted to dynamically change the description of the content to share. to customize the share button I am using the snippet with Open Graph protocol.

The solution I tried was the following, but it did not work correctly:

<meta property="og:title" content="O Fabuloso Gerador De Lero Lero v3" />
<meta property="og:image" content="images/robot.png" />
<meta property="og:description" content="..." />

var shareButtons = $('div:first','section.share-buttons');
    .prepend('<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="' + text.trunc(120,true) + '" data-url="" data-lang="pt">Tweetar</a>')
    .prepend('<div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-href="' + new Date().getTime() + '" data-annotation="bubble"></div>');

try {
} catch(e) {}

but, the content of the description in share button is always the initial.

Anyone know how to make it work?


I had the same problem with the button twitte but managed to solve this:

            .prepend('<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="' + text.trunc(120,true) + '" data-url="" data-lang="pt">Tweetar</a>');


The snippet for your page is generated by a server-side fetch of your page. The page fetcher does not execute JavaScript. This is why the changes that you've made to that element are not expressed in your share.

You can work around this issue using a get parameter and by specifying a target.

  • Configure your page to accept the description as a GET paramater. For example, would cause your Open Graph tag to look something like this: <meta property="og:description" content="foobar" />
  • When you render your share link, share button or +1 button, target the page with the desired description specified using the GET parameter. For the share button, your markup may look like this: <div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-href=""></div>
  • This will, however, impact counts. If you use this technique with the +1 button, each description will be considered a different page and the counts will accumulate separately.

    I know that Facebook caches information for the description and other meta. It seems according to this link, Google + does as well. It seems like it's cached for an indefinite amount of time... This renders your situation nearly impossible, depending on how often you want to change the content. Either that, or wait a few days, and see if it does change. I'd like to note that Jenny is also correct, but after moving through that, you most likely still won't get desirable results.


    上一篇: 如何测试一个对象的多个属性

    下一篇: 将文本设置为Google +分享按钮