adding large amount of elements to DOM

in my web application, I have to retrive huge amount of data and to create a table with the data ( table with around 800 rows, 10 columns)
When, I am directly adding elements through append() method, the browser doesnot respond for a while.

for accessing the huge data, I am using web workers for ajax call.
As, we cannot manipulate DOM from web workers, what should I do??
thanks :)

edit :
If I want some functions like hide() (jQuery hide) over it, will innerHtml work??

You can use some JavaScript templates engine to avoid manual appending the elements step by step or building the innerHTML string.

For example

Say you have a template somewhere in your HTML :

<script type="text/html" id="user_rows_tpl">
    <% for(var y = 0, l = users.length; l > y; y++) { %>
        <tr id="user-row-<%=y%>">
    <% } %>

And then you're using this template in your JavaScript to render your objects:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var table = document.getElementById("userTable");
    table.innerHTML = tmpl("user_rows_tpl", {
        users: getUsers()

For test I've created 1000 user objects and rendered them in table.
The average rendering time is about 20-25ms in Google Chrome. Not bad, isn't it?


You might want to use a table plugin that supports lazy insertion of DOM elements (ie on demand). DataTables offers a wealth of features, including this one. It will also help you cut down on the size of the code you have to write.

Note : Accessing DOM elements with JavaScript is slow so in order to have a more responsive page.

you can do this by

var buffer = [];
setInterval(function(){ $("#div").html(buffer.join(""); buffer = []; }, 1000);


and check this link for the performance

also check this link Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site


上一篇: ui自动完成:通过回调函数设置源不起作用

下一篇: 向DOM添加大量元素