Build native windows apps with HTML

Is there a way or tools to build a native windows application in HTML5/CSS3? similar to how phonegap works, but I'm talking about windows application, not windows phone application.

Or is there a way for me to package my HTML5/CCS3 UI together with a light weighted web server - like Apache server for installation on my own PC?

I'm developing a complicated web UI and need it to work totally offline - the html 5 app cache isn't big enough for me.

Cordova-qt will help you.

I've developed html5 based apps with Qt5 and webview. QtWebkit's performance is relatively slow, but easy to use.

I have found this document .

What I understand of it is that you can actually build a windows program with HTML/CSS and javascript. It is as easy as saving the files as a *.hta file. There are several issues though.

  • It uses the Internet explorer rendering engine (so it might look different depending on your version of IE).
  • It is a secure environment, so you can't pull scripts from urls (eg. jquery from google libraries). AJAX might work though.
  • You can't define an program icon (you can use autostart to override icon if you burn it on cd).

  • 也许跨平台的Open Web Apps适合您。


    上一篇: 游戏编程ai:缩放墙以找到玩家?

    下一篇: 使用HTML构建本地Windows应用程序