从C ++到C#的结构很难整理DirectX数组
目标 :Marshal C ++(指向一个?)C#数组的结构体。
C ++: CreateVertexDeclaration()
HRESULT CreateVertexDeclaration(
[in] const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *pVertexElements,
[out, retval] IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 **ppDecl
结构。 SharpDX是一个由DirectX SDK C ++头文件直接生成的托管DirectX库,因此它可以很好地兼容COM互操作。 实际上,我已经有10个其他钩子可以完美工作,但这是第一个带有指向结构数组的指针。
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public class D3DVERTEXELEMENT9
public short Stream;
public short Offset;
public DeclarationType Type; // Enum
public DeclarationMethod Method; // Enum
public DeclarationUsage Usage; // Enum
public byte UsageIndex;
注意:将IntPtr devicePointer
作为第一个参数不应该是问题。 我有10个其他钩子可以成功运行。
注意:这些是Direct3D API挂钩。 所以我的程序正在将我需要的数据从非托管C ++环境传递到托管C#环境。
CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, D3DVERTEXELEMENT9[] vertexElements, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration)
结果:数组有一个元素,但它的值是默认的(没有意义)。 这意味着short Stream
, short Offset
, Type
, Method
, Usage
CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, ref D3DVERTEXELEMENT9[] vertexElements, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration)
CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, [In, Out] D3DVERTEXELEMENT9[] vertexElements, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration)
CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 vertexElements, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration)
与1相同,不会改变任何内容。 我得到一个默认的结构。 如果我调用new D3DVERTEXELEMENT9()
CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, ref D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 vertexElements, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration)
我忘了结果,但没有奏效。 我认为它实际上是撞上了钩子。
CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, IntPtr vertexElements, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration)
我认为这个#6或#1 /#2应该是正确的。 我可能搞砸了这个方法的实现吗?
var vertex = (D3DVERTEXELEMENT9)Marshal.PtrToStructure(vertexElements, typeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9));
但它不起作用! 这和#1是一样的。 我编组的指针结构是一个默认的结构,就像我调用new D3DVERTEXELEMENT9()
CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, ref IntPtr vertexElements, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration)
零或零; 无效。
对于方法#6(使用IntPtr),我尝试在Visual Studio中查看内存区域。 接下来的50个字节左右都是零。 在50个零的字段中可能有一个2
字节。 但是从提供给该方法的IntPtr开始,它几乎有49个字节的零。
这不是问题吗? 这不是说提供的指针已经不正确吗? 所以我认为这意味着我有错误的方法签名。 问题是我一直在尝试各种可能的组合,并且它们要么崩溃程序,要么给我一个默认数组,就像我调用new D3DVERTEXELEMENT9()
问题:将C ++结构的pVertexElements
附加说明:在C ++中,此特定数组的长度由后缀D3DDECL_END定义。 我不知道如何在C#中获得相应的数组长度,而不需要某种传递的长度参数。
C ++:
BeginScene(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice)
BeginStateBlock(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice)
Clear(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, DWORD Count,CONST D3DRECT* pRects,DWORD Flags,D3DCOLOR Color,float Z,DWORD Stencil)
ColorFill(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, IDirect3DSurface9* pSurface,CONST RECT* pRect,D3DCOLOR color)
CreateAdditionalSwapChain(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters,IDirect3DSwapChain9** pSwapChain)
CreateCubeTexture(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, UINT EdgeLength,UINT Levels,DWORD Usage,D3DFORMAT Format,D3DPOOL Pool,IDirect3DCubeTexture9** ppCubeTexture,HANDLE* pSharedHandle)
注意:我为所有这些代表使用SharpDX枚举和结构,并且它们工作正常。 他们也都以IntPtr devicePointer
BeginSceneDelegate(IntPtr devicePointer);
BeginStateBlocKDelegate(IntPtr devicePointer);
ClearDelegate(IntPtr devicePointer, int count, IntPtr rects, ClearFlags flags, ColorBGRA color, float z, int stencil);
ColorFillDelegate(IntPtr devicePointer, IntPtr surface, IntPtr rect, ColorBGRA color);
CreateAdditionalSwapChainDelegate(IntPtr devicePointer, [In, Out] PresentParameters presentParameters, out SwapChain swapChain);
CreateCubeTextureDelegate(IntPtr devicePointer, int edgeLength, int levels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool, out IntPtr cubeTexture, IntPtr sharedHandle);
DLL injection suceeded.
Setting up Direct3D 9 hooks...
Activating Direct3D 9 hooks...
CreateDepthStencilSurface(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976, Int32 width: 1346, Int32 height: 827, Format format: D24S8, MultisampleType multiSampleType: None, Int32 multiSampleQuality: 0, Boolean discard: False, IntPtr& surface: (out), IntPtr sharedHandle: 0)
CreateDepthStencilSurface(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976, Int32 width: 1346, Int32 height: 827, Format format: D24S8, MultisampleType multiSampleType: None, Int32 multiSampleQuality: 0, Boolean discard: False, IntPtr& surface: (out), IntPtr sharedHandle: 0)
Clear(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976, Int32 count: 0, IntPtr rects: (Empty), ClearFlags flags: Target, ColorBGRA color: A:0 R:0 G:0 B:0, Single z: 1, Int32 stencil: 0)
Clear(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976, Int32 count: 0, IntPtr rects: (Empty), ClearFlags flags: Target, ColorBGRA color: A:0 R:0 G:0 B:0, Single z: 1, Int32 stencil: 0)
BeginScene(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976)
Clear(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976, Int32 count: 0, IntPtr rects: (Empty), ClearFlags flags: Target, ColorBGRA color: A:0 R:0 G:0 B:0, Single z: 1, Int32 stencil: 0)
Clear(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976, Int32 count: 0, IntPtr rects: (Empty), ClearFlags flags: Target, ColorBGRA color: A:0 R:0 G:0 B:0, Single z: 1, Int32 stencil: 0)
Clear(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976, Int32 count: 0, IntPtr rects: (Empty), ClearFlags flags: ZBuffer, ColorBGRA color: A:0 R:0 G:0 B:0, Single z: 1, Int32 stencil: 0)
BeginScene(IntPtr devicePointer: 147414976)
。 这里是我的Clear()
private Result Clear(IntPtr devicePointer, int count, IntPtr rects, ClearFlags flags, ColorBGRA color, float z, int stencil)
var structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (Rectangle));
var structs = new Rectangle[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
structs[i] = (Rectangle) Marshal.PtrToStructure(rects, typeof (Rectangle));
// Seems to work fine, not sure why it doesn't work for CreateVertexDeclaration
var rectangles = structs;
Log.LogMethodSignatureTypesAndValues(devicePointer, count, rectangles.PrintTypesNamesValues(), flags,
color, z, stencil);
if (rectangles.Length == 0)
Device.Clear(flags, color, z, stencil);
Device.Clear(flags, color, z, stencil, rectangles);
catch (Exception ex)
return Result.Ok;
首先,SharpDX中的声明使用Pack = 2(而不是Pack = 1):
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2 )] public partial struct VertexElement { ... }
此外,如果你想确定元帅的身份,那么只要有可能(当结构直接映射到C#等价物时),最好使用比Marshal.StructureToPtr或任何其他编组方法都不安全的元素。 您将避免Marshal性能问题,并且您将确定内存布局(假设该结构已在C#中正确声明)
public unsafe static void CreateVertexDeclaration(IntPtr devicePointer, IntPtr vertexElementsPtr, out IntPtr vertexDeclaration) { var vertexElements = (VertexElement*)vertexElementsPtr; // Access to all VertexElement (last element is specified by Cmacro D3DDECL_END() in d3d9types.h) ... }链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/11421.html
上一篇: Difficult Marshalling DirectX array of structs from C++ to C#
下一篇: Why does this constexpr code cause GCC to eat all my RAM?