How to include github markdown files into maven site

Github recommends that Markdown-formatted files like, or are created in the root of the project. On the other hand, those files would be valuable content for automatically generated maven sites.

What would be the best practice to include those files into the generated site report?

One Idea I had was copying them into src/site/markdown and removing them again after successful site generation (to avoid SCM pollution).

I solved this problem for the file in a Git repository using the approach you outlined in your question, that is copying from the root directory to ${baseDir}/src/site/markdown . I used maven-resources-plugin to copy the file. Instead of removing the copied file after the site is generated (to avoid SCM pollution), I added it to .gitignore as Bruno suggested.

A detailed description of the solution follows.

In section of pom.xml :

            <!-- Copy the readme file to the site source files so that a page is generated from it. -->

In .gitignore :

# Copied from root to site source files by maven-resources-plugin

You can see the corresponding commit here.

The contributors should be put into the pom. The license file should be part of the project usually LICENSE.txt as sibling to pom.xml file as Apache suggested. The README.txt is suggested by Apache as well. is usually only valuable for GitHub to render this during the display of the repository.


上一篇: A / B,使用Spring MVC进行多变量测试

下一篇: 如何将github markdown文件包含到maven站点中