Validating decimal numbers in a locale
Possible Duplicate:
Parsing numbers safely and locale-sensitively
How can I validate strings containing decimal numbers in a locale-sensitive way? NumberFormat.parse allows too much, and Double.parseDouble works only for English locale. Here is what I tried:
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault());
Number parsed = numberFormat.parse("4,5.6dfhf");
System.out.println("parsed = " + parsed); // prints 4.5 instead of throwing ParseException
double v = Double.parseDouble("3,3"); // throws NumberFormatException, although correct
In regards of the
Number parsed = numberFormat.parse("4,5.6dfhf");
problem, you could possibly use NumberFormat.parse(String source, ParsePosition pos) and check if the position where it stopped parsing was indeed the last position of the string.
Also, on the 4.5.6 problem, you can try to set grouping off by setGroupingUsed(boolean newValue) as I think it's an issue produced by the '.' character being the grouping character on the locale.
It should be something like
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault());
ParsePosition pos;
String nString = "4,5.6dfhf";
Number parsed = numberFormat.parse(nString, pos);
if (pos.getIndex() == nString.length()) // pos is set AFTER the last parsed position
System.out.println("parsed = " + parsed);
// Wrong
From your comment above, you can use:
String input = "3,3"; // or whatever you want
boolean isValid = input.matches("^d+([.,]d+)?$");
double value = Double.parseDouble(input.replaceAll(",", "."));
If the separator can be something else besides the comma, just add it in the square brackets:
double value = Double.parseDouble(input.replaceAll("[,]", "."));
上一篇: std :: sort没有复制构造
下一篇: 验证语言环境中的十进制数字