Make Code Analysis stop warning about a certain variable name

I have a variable named like allowedZHs . ZH is a domain specific acronym. ZHs is its plural form. I would like to continue using that plural form. I find it much more expressive than the "correct" form " Zhs ".
I tried to tell Code Analysis this by adding a Code Analysis Dictionary. This works fine for the singular form " ZH " but it doesn't work for the plural form.
I still get warning CA1704.

I tried adding it as a recognized word and adding it as an acronym:


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

The bad news is that there's no way to use the dictionary to allow plural acronyms in older FxCop versions. (See, for example, Kevin Blasko's answer at The good news is that the version that ships with VS 2012 allows them out-of-the-box, so you won't even need to touch the dictionary when you eventually upgrade.


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