PHP's white screen of death
Now that I'm starting to get back into PHP, I'm starting to remember why I gave it up in the first place. The most annoying thing on my plate at the moment is what I've come to term "PHP's white screen of death". When PHP gets a fatal error due to syntax or whatever, it seems like it will always die without actually sending anything to the browser. I've added the following to my .htaccess
, and it seems to work most of the time, but it doesn't work in these cases.
php_value display_errors 1
php_value display_startup_errors 1
php_value error_reporting 2147483647 # E_ALL
Am I missing something? At the moment I feel like I need to hit refresh every few lines of code I write, lest I make a mistake and have to search through many pages trying to track down that one little mistake I made...
EDIT: For example, given the two lines of code below:
$foo = array(':language' => $languageId;
$foo = array(':language' => $languageId);
The first will exhibit the white screen of death (ie, nothing at all printed to the browser), while the second will execute happily.
Errors and warnings usually appear in ....logsphp_error.log
or ....logsapache_error.log
depending on your php.ini settings.
Also useful errors are often directed to the browser, but as they are not valid html they are not displayed.
So "tail -f
" your log files and when you get a blank screen use IEs "view" -> "source" menu options to view the raw output.
The following code should display all errors:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - Display Errors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - Error Reporting
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - Shutdown Handler
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function ShutdownHandler()
if(@is_array($error = @error_get_last()))
return(@call_user_func_array('ErrorHandler', $error));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - Error Handler
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function ErrorHandler($type, $message, $file, $line)
$_ERRORS = Array(
0x0001 => 'E_ERROR',
0x0002 => 'E_WARNING',
0x0004 => 'E_PARSE',
0x0008 => 'E_NOTICE',
0x0010 => 'E_CORE_ERROR',
0x0020 => 'E_CORE_WARNING',
0x0040 => 'E_COMPILE_ERROR',
0x0080 => 'E_COMPILE_WARNING',
0x0100 => 'E_USER_ERROR',
0x0200 => 'E_USER_WARNING',
0x0400 => 'E_USER_NOTICE',
0x0800 => 'E_STRICT',
0x2000 => 'E_DEPRECATED',
if(!@is_string($name = @array_search($type, @array_flip($_ERRORS))))
$name = 'E_UNKNOWN';
return(print(@sprintf("%s Error in file xBB%sxAB at line %d: %sn", $name, @basename($file), $line, $message)));
$old_error_handler = set_error_handler("ErrorHandler");
// other php code
The only way to generate a blank page with this code is when you have a error in the shutdown handler. I copied and pasted this from my own cms without testing it, but I am sure it works.
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); //On or Off
上一篇: 死亡的白色屏幕!
下一篇: PHP的死亡白屏