Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected end of file in my PHP code

I got an error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in the line

With this code:

        function login()
            // Login function code
        if (login())

    <h2>Welcome Administrator</h2>
    <a href="upload.php">Upload Files</a>
    <br />
    <a href="points.php">Edit Points Tally</a>

            echo "Incorrect login details. Please login";
    Some more HTML code

What's the problem?

You should avoid this (at the end of your code):


and this:


You shouldn't put brackets directly close to the open/close php tag, but it separate with a space:

{ ?>
<?php {

also avoid <? and use <?php

I had the same error, but I had it fixed by modifying the php.ini file.

Find your php.ini file see Dude, where's my php.ini?

then open it with your favorite editor.

Look for a short_open_tag property, and apply the following change:

; short_open_tag = Off ; previous value
short_open_tag = On ; new value

I had the same error, but I had it fixed by modifying the php.ini and / or editing the PHP file!

There are two different methods to get around the parse error syntax.

Method 1 (Your PHP file)

Avoid in your PHP file this:

<? } ?>

Make sure you put it like this

<?php ?>

Your code contains <? ?> <? ?>

NOTE: The missing php after <? !

Method 1 (php.ini file)

There is also a simple way to solve your problem. Search for the short_open_tag property value (Use in your text editor with Ctrl + F !), and apply the following change:

; short_open_tag = Off


short_open_tag = On

NOTE: Reload your Server (like for example: Apache) and reload your PHP webpage in your browser.


上一篇: 解析错误:语法错误,中意外的'<'

下一篇: 解析错误:语法错误,我的PHP代码中的文件意外结束