Failed to open stream : No such file or directory

In PHP scripts, whether calling include() , require() , fopen() , or their derivatives such as include_once , require_once , or even, move_uploaded_file() , one often runs into an error or warning:

Failed to open stream : No such file or directory.

What is a good process to quickly find the root cause of the problem?

There are many reasons why one might run into this error and thus a good checklist of what to check first helps considerably.

Let's consider that we are troubleshooting the following line:

require "/path/to/file"


1. Check the file path for typos

  • either check manually (by visually checking the path)
  • or move whatever is called by require* or include* to its own variable, echo it, copy it, and try accessing it from a terminal:

    $path = "/path/to/file";
    echo "Path : $path";
    require "$path";

    Then, in a terminal:

    cat <file path pasted>


    上一篇: PHP错误信息“注意:使用未定义的常量”是什么意思?

    下一篇: 无法打开流:没有这样的文件或目录