warning: division by zero

I am using the following static method for sending mail alerts, but its throwing an error: warning:division by zero ...

Postman::MailAlert($_POST['email'],'Hello '.$_POST['name'].', Thanks for signing up.Your customer id is '.$_POST['city']/'/'.$product_id.'.');

I have solved this issue by putting @, but why is this issue raised, and what am I doing wrong?

Just the problem part:


Need to change like this.

$_POST['city'] . '/'.$product_id.'.');

Near the end of that line of code:


Add some spaces to make it clear:

[...] $_POST['city'] / '/' [...]

You're trying to divide $_POST['city'] by '/' . If non-numeric strings ( '/' ) are interpreted by PHP as having a numeric value of 0, then you're dividing by 0.

Maybe you meant to concatenate instead of divide?


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/11894.html

上一篇: 警告:通过零分区工作在PHP和MySQL上

下一篇: 警告:除以零