
<? switch($data['type']) : ?>
<? case 'log': ?>

    <? while ($row = $data['loop']->fetch()) : ?>
        <table class="t-errors">
                    <b>IP:</b> <? echo $row['LogShellIP']; ?>
                    <b>Command:</b> <? echo $row['LogShellCommand']; ?>
                    <b>Executed:</b> <? echo $row['LogShellReturn']; ?>
                    <b>Time:</b> <? echo format::time($row['LogShellTime']); ?>
    <? endwhile; ?>

<? break; ?>

<? case 'fatal': ?>
<? case 'warning': ?>
<? case 'notice': ?>
<? case 'unknown': ?>

    <? while ($row = $data['loop']->fetch()) : ?>
        <table class="t-errors">
                <td <? if ($row['LogErrorSeen'] == 0) { echo 'class="e-selected"'; } ?>>
                    <b>String:</b> <? echo $row['LogErrorString']; ?>
                    <b>File:</b> <? echo $row['LogErrorFile']; ?>
                    <b>Line:</b> <? echo $row['LogErrorLine']; ?>
                    <b>Context:</b> <? echo $row['LogErrorContext']; ?>
                    <b>Ip:</b> <? echo $row['LogErrorIP']; ?>
                    <b>Time:</b> <? echo format::time($row['LogErrorTime']); ?>
    <? endwhile; ?>

<? break; ?>
<? endswitch; ?>                    

I'm getting this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_INLINE_HTML, expecting T_ENDSWITCH or T_CASE or T_DEFAULT in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/Smooth Framework/tpl/terminal.tpl.php on line 33

Where line 33 is the line 2 of this script. This is inserted in a template context. What's wrong with this? He is expecting a T_CASE and that's what is there!

merge line 1 and 2

  <? switch($data['type']):
     case 'log': ?>

see the comment in this link (jeremia at gmx dot at 28-Jan-2008 02:52)

The parser expects a T_CASE token but finds the newline after switch($data['type']) : ?> .

switch (1) : ?> <? case 1: break; endswitch;

gives a parse error and so does

switch (1) : ?>n<? case 1: break; endswitch;


switch (1) : ?><? case 1: break; endswitch; 

does not. ;-)


上一篇: 这是什么意思? “解析错误:语法错误,意外的T

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