Troubleshooting "parse error, unexpected '>'" error

I am getting this error that is reading

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '>' in C:wampwwwabout.php on line 11

Here is my code:

include ("include/header.php");
if (!isset($_SESSION['name'])){;
TopNavigation("about Me -ECA236","About Me",$_SESSION['name']);
echo "<p>Here is a little about me. I am a mother of twin girls who are 9 </p>
echo "<p>I been married for 5 years but been with my husband for 11 years </p>
echo "<p>I am attending college for Computer Programming and Database Mangament      </p>
echo "<p>After I get done with this degree I am want to go back for Web Design </p>
echo "<p>since half my classes are web design now. I enjoy camping,bon fires and </p>
echo "<p>playing video games, hanging out with friends and family.</p>

I have tried adding ; to the end and " to the end but the same thing pops up. Can someone sees what I am doing wrong.

Here is the error i get when i add "; to the end of those:

Warning: include(include/header.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:wampwwwabout.php on line 3

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'include/header.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:php5pear') in C:wampwwwabout.php on line 3

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:wampwwwabout.php:3) in C:wampwwwabout.php on line 5

You have:

echo "<p>playing video games, hanging out with friends and family.</p>

You need:

echo "<p>playing video games, hanging out with friends and family.</p>";


You need a quote and a semicolon at the end of each echo line.

Generally speaking, any time you open a quote on a line in PHP, you'll also need to close it, and every line (with a few exceptions, such as flow-control statements, etc.) will need to be terminated by a semi-colon.


上一篇: STRING错误

下一篇: 解决“解析错误,意外的'>'”错误