

  • 对于JavaScript中的每个数组? 23个答案

  • 使用Array#forEach方法进行数组迭代。

    var points = [{
      x: 75,
      y: 25
    }, {
      x: 75 + 0.0046,
      y: 25
    points.forEach(function(obj) {
      console.log(obj.x, obj.y);

    var points = [{ x: 75, y: 25},{ x: 75+0.0046, y: 25}];
    points.forEach(function(point){ console.log("x: " + point.x + " y: " + point.y) })
    points.forEach(point=> console.log("x: " + point.x + " y: " + point.y) )


    var points = [{ x: 75, y: 25},{ x: 75+0.0046, y: 25}];
    for (let point of points) {
        console.log(point.x, point.y);
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/12055.html

    上一篇: How to iterate over arrays and objects in JavaScript

    下一篇: Add property to all objects in array