Converting some PHP code to javascript (foreach equivalent)

Possible Duplicate:
For each in a array. How to do that in javascript?

Hey I was needing some help with finding a good for each equivalent from PHP to javascript. I've tried using jQuery.each() but I'm not sure I've done it correctly.

Here is the code I've been needing to convert. I need to fix each foreach to javascript.

    // got complete, calculate possible solution
    // use decimals?  Does this work in the form?
foreach(values as valName1 => val1){
    foreach(operands as op1){
        foreach(values as valName2 => val2){
            if(valName2 == valName1)
            foreach(operands as op2){
                foreach(values as valName3 => val3){
                    if(valName3 == valName1 ||
                       valName3 == valName2)
                    foreach(operands as op3){
                        foreach(values as valName4 => val4){
                            if(valName4 == valName1 ||
                               valName4 == valName2 ||
                               valName4 == valName3)
                            foreach(operands as op4){
                                foreach(values as valName5 => val5){
                                    if(valName5 == valName1 ||
                                       valName5 == valName2 ||
                                       valName5 == valName3 ||
                                       valName5 == valName4)
                                    parentheses = -1;
                                    if(solve(val5, op4, val4, op3, val3, op2,
                                             val2, op1, val1, solution, parentheses)){
                                            // Note that since solve() just returns the first result, we won't
                                            // display all possible parentheses ordering when there are multiple
                                            // solutions
                                            document.write(Solution(val5, op4, val4, op3, val3, op2,
                                                          val2, op1, val1, solution, parentheses, find_all);
                                            document.write(Solution(val5, op4, val4, op3, val3, op2,
                                                          val2, op1, val1, solution, parentheses, find_all);
                                    parentheses = -1;
                                parentheses = -1;
                                if(!find_all && count) break;
                            if(!find_all && count) break;
                        if(!find_all && count) break;
                    if(!find_all && count) break;
                if(!find_all && count) break;
            if(!find_all && count) break;
        if(!find_all && count) break;
    if(!find_all && count) break;

if(!count || find_all){
    document.write( "Found " . count . " solutions.";


如果您正在寻找处理数据集的函数(例如foreach ),那么underscore.js是个不错的选择。


上一篇: JavaScript foreach()函数

下一篇: 将一些PHP代码转换为javascript(相当于foreach)