How to make div not larger than its contents?

I have a layout similar to:


I would like for the div to only expand to as wide as my table becomes.

解决方法是设置你的div display: inline-block

You want a block element that has what CSS calls shrink-to-fit width and the spec does not provide a blessed way to get such a thing. In CSS2, shrink-to-fit is not a goal, but means to deal with a situation where browser "has to" get a width out of thin air. Those situations are:

  • float
  • absolutely positioned element
  • inline-block element
  • table element
  • when there are no width specified. I heard they think of adding what you want in CSS3. For now, make do with one of the above.

    The decision not to expose the feature directly may seem strange, but there is a good reason. It is expensive. Shrink-to-fit means formatting at least twice: you cannot start formatting an element until you know its width, and you cannot calculate the width w/o going through entire content. Plus, one does not need shrink-to-fit element as often as one may think. Why do you need extra div around your table? Maybe table caption is all you need.

    I think using

    display: inline-block;

    would work, however I'm not sure about the browser compatibility.

    Another solution would be to wrap your div in another div (if you want to maintain the block behavior):


        <div class="yourdiv">


        display: inline;

    上一篇: Keras Dropout(0.5)(X)中的语法是什么意思?

    下一篇: 如何使div不超过其内容?