Determine credit card type by number?

Can credit card type be determined solely from the credit card number?

Is this recommended or always ask client for the type of credit card they're using?

I googled about it and found this algorithm: , is this reliable?


Yes, the site you mentioned is correct. Many sites, incl. Google Checkout I believe, rely on automatic detection of the card type. It's convenient, makes the UI less cluttered (one less input box) and saves time. Go ahead!

I have heard one good reason to make them pick (even though you can figure it out). So that they know the list of credit cards you accept.

As a consumer, I hate choosing a card first. I want to just start typing the number.

This issue is discussed in Wroblewski's Web Form Design on pages 153-154. It's in the section "Removing Questions" of the chapter "Unnecessary Inputs." The example given is Paypal, which highlights the type of card when you've typed in your number.


上一篇: 您能否单独从卡号检测商业信用卡?

下一篇: 通过号码确定信用卡类型?