LEA & MOV instruction comparision

Instruction 1:

LEA DX, MESSAGE ; Move the address of MESSAGE in register DX

Instruction 2:

MOV DX, OFFSET MESSAGE ; Move the address of MESSAGE in register DX


  • Are the above instructions equal? They seem to work similarly, but I have just started programming assembly so I can not say.
  • If both of them are similar, then which one of above is the better way to do the above task?
  • Note: I have already read this question

    On my 32-bit system, the instructions match opcodes like this:

    8d 15 c8 90 04 08       lea    0x80490c8,%edx
    ba c8 90 04 08          mov    $0x80490c8,%edx

    So you use a whole extra byte when the code is loaded into memory if you use lea .

    I found a reference to AMD chips at one point having lower latency for lea than for mov , but only by one clock cycle (and this will be immaterial if the data is not in L1 cache). I am not sure if that result holds for recent processors.

    I have found lea useful when trying to add an offset to a base address like this:

    lea message(,%esi,2), %ecx  # put address of message + 2 x ESI in ECX

    whereas I can't do this:

    mov $message(,%esi,2), %ecx  # fails on bad syntax

    and this produces the wrong result:

    mov message(,%esi,2), %ecx  # puts _content_ at address, not address, into ECX 

    at least in my assembler (GNU as).

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/12560.html

    上一篇: x86汇编中cmove指令的用途?

    下一篇: LEA和MOV指令比较