C#.net bitwise shift left operation.?

This question already has an answer here:

  • What are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work? 8 answers

  • Pay attention to operator precedence. 2 + 2 << 2 is not 2 + (2 << 2) .

    its same as below :-

    x + 2 = 4;
    4 << 2 ////it means 16 if you perform bitwise on this.

    Desciption to understand Let shift operation :-

    Shifts bits to the left. The number to the left of the operator is shifted the number of places specified by the number to the right. Each shift to the left doubles the number, therefore each left shift multiplies the original number by 2. Use the left shift for fast multiplication or to pack a group of numbers together into one larger number. Left shifting only works with integers or numbers which automatically convert to an integer such at byte and char.

    so in your case lets say presentation for 4 is 100 and it would be shifted by 2 so it becomes 10000 which is presentation of 16 :-

    for 4 :- 100
    left shift by 2 so,
    10000 ////Which is 16
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/12582.html

    上一篇: 不明白:(x >> 24)&0xff

    下一篇: C#.net按位左移操作。