How does this implementation of bitset::count() work?

Here's the implementation of std::bitset::count with MSVC 2010:

size_t count() const
    {   // count number of set bits
    static char _Bitsperhex[] = "112122312232334";
    size_t _Val = 0;
    for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
        for (_Ty _Wordval = _Array[_Wpos]; _Wordval != 0; _Wordval >>= 4)
            _Val += _Bitsperhex[_Wordval & 0xF];
    return (_Val);

Can someone explain to me how this is working? what's the trick with _Bitsperhex ?

_Bitsperhex contains the number of set bits in a hexadecimal digit, indexed by the digit.

digit: 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
value: 0    1    1    2    1    2    2    3    1    2    2    3    2    3    3    4
index: 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F

The function retrieves one digit at a time from the value it's working with by ANDing with 0xF (binary 1111), looks up the number of set bits in that digit, and sums them.

_Bitsperhex is a 16 element integer array that maps a number in [0..15] range to the number of 1 bits in the binary representation of that number. For example, _Bitsperhex[3] is equal to 2 , which is the number of 1 bits in the binary representation of 3 .

The rest is easy: each multi-bit word in internal array _Array is interpreted as a sequence of 4-bit values. Each 4-bit value is fed through the above _Bitsperhex table to count the bits.

It is a slightly different implementation of the lookup table-based method described here: At the link they use a table of 256 elements and split 32-bit words into four 8-bit values.


上一篇: 最快的方法是在ARM程序集的寄存器中计数1

下一篇: bitset :: count()的这个实现是如何工作的?