什么属于教育工具来演示人们在C / C ++中做出的无理假设?
我想为SO编写一个小小的教育工具,它可以帮助初学者(和中级)程序员认识并挑战他们在C,C ++及其平台上的无理假设。
我想,一个小的测试程序可以在各种平台上,运行于“似是而非”的假设它们是,从我们的经验,所以,平时很多没有经验/ semiexperienced主流开发商提出并记录他们在不同的机器坏了的方式运行。
这样做的目的不是证明它是“安全”做一些事情(这是不可能做到的,测试只能证明什么,如果他们打破),而是以证明即使是最不理解的人是怎样最不起眼的表达如果它有未定义的或实现定义的行为,则在不同的机器上中断。 。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int count=0;
int total=0;
void expect(const char *info, const char *expr)
printf("..%sn but '%s' is false.n",info,expr);
#define EXPECT(INFO,EXPR) if (total++,!(EXPR)) expect(INFO,#EXPR)
/* stack check..How can I do this better? */
ptrdiff_t check_grow(int k, int *p)
if (p==0) p=&k;
if (k==0) return &k-p;
else return check_grow(k-1,p);
#define BITS_PER_INT (sizeof(int)*CHAR_BIT)
int bits_per_int=BITS_PER_INT;
int int_max=INT_MAX;
int int_min=INT_MIN;
/* for 21 - left to right */
int ltr_result=0;
unsigned ltr_fun(int k)
return 1;
int main()
printf("We like to think that:n");
/* characters */
EXPECT("00 we have ASCII",('A'==65));
EXPECT("01 A-Z is in a block",('Z'-'A')+1==26);
EXPECT("02 big letters come before small letters",('A'<'a'));
EXPECT("03 a char is 8 bits",CHAR_BIT==8);
EXPECT("04 a char is signed",CHAR_MIN==SCHAR_MIN);
/* integers */
EXPECT("05 int has the size of pointers",sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*));
/* not true for Windows-64 */
EXPECT("05a long has at least the size of pointers",sizeof(long)>=sizeof(void*));
EXPECT("06 integers are 2-complement and wrap around",(int_max+1)==(int_min));
EXPECT("07 integers are 2-complement and *always* wrap around",(INT_MAX+1)==(INT_MIN));
EXPECT("08 overshifting is okay",(1<<bits_per_int)==0);
EXPECT("09 overshifting is *always* okay",(1<<BITS_PER_INT)==0);
int t;
EXPECT("09a minus shifts backwards",(t=-1,(15<<t)==7));
/* pointers */
/* Suggested by jalf */
EXPECT("10 void* can store function pointers",sizeof(void*)>=sizeof(void(*)()));
/* execution */
EXPECT("11 Detecting how the stack grows is easy",check_grow(5,0)!=0);
EXPECT("12 the stack grows downwards",check_grow(5,0)<0);
int t;
/* suggested by jk */
EXPECT("13 The smallest bits always come first",(t=0x1234,0x34==*(char*)&t));
/* Suggested by S.Lott */
int a[2]={0,0};
int i=0;
EXPECT("14 i++ is strictly left to right",(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1));
struct {
char c;
int i;
} char_int;
EXPECT("15 structs are packed",sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int)));
EXPECT("16 malloc()=NULL means out of memory",(malloc(0)!=NULL));
/* suggested by David Thornley */
EXPECT("17 size_t is unsigned int",sizeof(size_t)==sizeof(unsigned int));
/* this is true for C99, but not for C90. */
EXPECT("18 a%b has the same sign as a",((-10%3)==-1) && ((10%-3)==1));
/* suggested by nos */
EXPECT("19-1 char<short",sizeof(char)<sizeof(short));
EXPECT("19-2 short<int",sizeof(short)<sizeof(int));
EXPECT("19-3 int<long",sizeof(int)<sizeof(long));
EXPECT("20 ptrdiff_t and size_t have the same size",(sizeof(ptrdiff_t)==sizeof(size_t)));
#if 0
/* suggested by R. */
/* this crashed on TC 3.0++, compact. */
char buf[10];
EXPECT("21 You can use snprintf to append a string",
EXPECT("21 Evaluation is left to right",
#ifdef __STDC_IEC_559__
int STDC_IEC_559_is_defined=1;
/* This either means, there is no FP support
*or* the compiler is not C99 enough to define __STDC_IEC_559__
*or* the FP support is not IEEE compliant. */
int STDC_IEC_559_is_defined=0;
EXPECT("22 floating point is always IEEE",STDC_IEC_559_is_defined);
printf("From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are %d%% mainstreamn",100-(100*count)/total);
return 0;
更新感谢您的意见。 我已经从你的答案中添加了一些案例,并会看看我是否可以像Greg建议的那样为此设置一个github。
更新 :我为此创建了一个github回购,该文件是“gotcha.c”:
请在这里回答补丁或新想法,以便在此讨论或澄清。 然后我将它们合并为gotcha.c。
, -
, =
, *
, /
),但以下情况除外: &&
), ?:
:)和 ,
) 未指定
int Hello()
return printf("Hello"); /* printf() returns the number of
characters successfully printed by it
int World()
return printf("World !");
int main()
int a = Hello() + World(); //might print Hello World! or World! Hello
/** ^
Functions can be called in either order
return 0;
sdcc 29.7 / ucSim / Z80
We like to think that:
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..19-2 short<int
but 'sizeof(short)<sizeof(int)' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
..25 pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&var.int2-&var.int1, &var.int1+diff==&var.int2)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are Stop at 0x0013f3: (106) Invalid instruction 0x00dd
printf崩溃。 “O_O”
gcc 4.4@x86_64-suse-linux
We like to think that:
..05 int has the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)' is false.
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..14 i++ is strictly left to right
but '(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..17 size_t is unsigned int
but 'sizeof(size_t)==sizeof(unsigned int)' is false.
..26 sizeof() does not evaluate its arguments
but '(i=10,sizeof(char[((i=20),10)]),i==10)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 79% mainstream
gcc 4.4@x86_64-suse-linux(-O2)
We like to think that:
..05 int has the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)' is false.
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..14 i++ is strictly left to right
but '(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..17 size_t is unsigned int
but 'sizeof(size_t)==sizeof(unsigned int)' is false.
..26 sizeof() does not evaluate its arguments
but '(i=10,sizeof(char[((i=20),10)]),i==10)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 82% mainstream
clang 2.7@x86_64-suse-linux
We like to think that:
..05 int has the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)' is false.
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..14 i++ is strictly left to right
but '(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..17 size_t is unsigned int
but 'sizeof(size_t)==sizeof(unsigned int)' is false.
..21a Function Arguments are evaluated right to left
but '(gobble_args(0,ltr_fun(1),ltr_fun(2),ltr_fun(3),ltr_fun(4)),ltr_result==4321)' is false.
ltr_result is 1234 in this case
..25a pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&p1-&p2, &p2+diff==&p1)' is false.
..26 sizeof() does not evaluate its arguments
but '(i=10,sizeof(char[((i=20),10)]),i==10)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 72% mainstream
open64 4.2.3@x86_64-suse-linux
We like to think that:
..05 int has the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)' is false.
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..17 size_t is unsigned int
but 'sizeof(size_t)==sizeof(unsigned int)' is false.
..21a Function Arguments are evaluated right to left
but '(gobble_args(0,ltr_fun(1),ltr_fun(2),ltr_fun(3),ltr_fun(4)),ltr_result==4321)' is false.
ltr_result is 1234 in this case
..25a pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&p1-&p2, &p2+diff==&p1)' is false.
..26 sizeof() does not evaluate its arguments
but '(i=10,sizeof(char[((i=20),10)]),i==10)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 75% mainstream
intel 11.1@x86_64-suse-linux
We like to think that:
..05 int has the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)' is false.
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..14 i++ is strictly left to right
but '(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..17 size_t is unsigned int
but 'sizeof(size_t)==sizeof(unsigned int)' is false.
..21a Function Arguments are evaluated right to left
but '(gobble_args(0,ltr_fun(1),ltr_fun(2),ltr_fun(3),ltr_fun(4)),ltr_result==4321)' is false.
ltr_result is 1234 in this case
..26 sizeof() does not evaluate its arguments
but '(i=10,sizeof(char[((i=20),10)]),i==10)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 75% mainstream
Turbo C ++ / DOS /小内存
We like to think that:
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..16 malloc()=NULL means out of memory
but '(malloc(0)!=NULL)' is false.
..19-2 short<int
but 'sizeof(short)<sizeof(int)' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
..25 pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&var.int2-&var.int1, &var.int1+diff==&var.int2)' is false.
..25a pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&p1-&p2, &p2+diff==&p1)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 81% mainstream
Turbo C ++ / DOS / Medium Memory
We like to think that:
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..10 void* can store function pointers
but 'sizeof(void*)>=sizeof(void(*)())' is false.
..16 malloc()=NULL means out of memory
but '(malloc(0)!=NULL)' is false.
..19-2 short<int
but 'sizeof(short)<sizeof(int)' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
..25 pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&var.int2-&var.int1, &var.int1+diff==&var.int2)' is false.
..25a pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&p1-&p2, &p2+diff==&p1)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 78% mainstream
Turbo C ++ / DOS / Compact Memory
We like to think that:
..05 int has the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..16 malloc()=NULL means out of memory
but '(malloc(0)!=NULL)' is false.
..19-2 short<int
but 'sizeof(short)<sizeof(int)' is false.
..20 ptrdiff_t and size_t have the same size
but '(sizeof(ptrdiff_t)==sizeof(size_t))' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
..25 pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&var.int2-&var.int1, &var.int1+diff==&var.int2)' is false.
..25a pointer arithmetic works outside arrays
but '(diff=&p1-&p2, &p2+diff==&p1)' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 75% mainstream
cl65 @ Commodore PET(副模拟器)
Windows XP上的Borland C ++ Builder 6.0
..04 a char is signed
but 'CHAR_MIN==SCHAR_MIN' is false.
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..09 overshifting is *always* okay
but '(1<<BITS_PER_INT)==0' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..16 malloc()=NULL means out of memory
but '(malloc(0)!=NULL)' is false.
..19-3 int<long
but 'sizeof(int)<sizeof(long)' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 71% mainstream
Visual Studio Express 2010 C ++ CLR,Windows 7 64bit
(必须编译为C ++,因为CLR编译器不支持纯C)
We like to think that:
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..14 i++ is structly left to right
but '(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..19-3 int<long
but 'sizeof(int)<sizeof(long)' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 78% mainstream
MINGW64(gcc-4.5.2 prerelase)
- http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/
We like to think that:
..05 int has the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(void*)' is false.
..05a long has at least the size of pointers
but 'sizeof(long)>=sizeof(void*)' is false.
..08 overshifting is okay
but '(1<<bits_per_int)==0' is false.
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..14 i++ is structly left to right
but '(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..17 size_t is unsigned int
but 'sizeof(size_t)==sizeof(unsigned int)' is false.
..19-3 int<long
but 'sizeof(int)<sizeof(long)' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 67% mainstream
64位Windows使用LLP64模型: int
avr-gcc 4.3.2 / ATmega168(Arduino Diecimila)
..14 i++ is structly left to right
..16 malloc()=NULL means out of memory
..19-2 short<int
..21 Evaluation is left to right
..22 floating point is always IEEE
Atmega168具有16位PC,但代码和数据位于不同的地址空间。 更大的Atmegas有22位PC!
在MacOSX 10.6上的gcc 4.2.1,用-arch ppc编译
We like to think that:
..09a minus shifts backwards
but '(t=-1,(15<<t)==7)' is false.
..13 The smallest bits come always first
but '(t=0x1234,0x34==*(char*)&t)' is false.
..14 i++ is structly left to right
but '(i=0,a[i++]=i,a[0]==1)' is false.
..15 structs are packed
but 'sizeof(char_int)==(sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))' is false.
..19-3 int<long
but 'sizeof(int)<sizeof(long)' is false.
..22 floating point is always IEEE
but 'STDC_IEC_559_is_defined' is false.
From what I can say with my puny test cases, you are 78% mainstream
printf("sizeof(int)=%dn", sizeof(int));
作为示例问题。 这对学生来说是失败的,因为在这个实现中, sizeof
, int
值是16位, size_t
是32,而且是big-endian。 (该平台是基于680x0的Macintoshes上的Lightspeed C,我说过很久以前。)
上一篇: What belongs in an educational tool to demonstrate the unwarranted assumptions people make in C/C++?