

[in]: "the princess looked from the palace, she was happy".
[out]: "the princess looked from the palace, the princess was happy". 

我使用pos标签来返回代词和名词。 我需要知道如何在不知道句子的情况下进行替换,这意味着如何在句子中指定主题来替代代词。 有什么建议么?

我不知道nltk软件包(从来没有用过),但它似乎马上给你答案。 如果您查看nltk.org上的分析树示例,它会显示主题已成功标记为'NP-SBJ'标记。 这不是你要找的吗?


与Python问题相比,这更像是一种“自然语言”(即英语)问题。 你能更具体地说明你期望什么类型的句子? 它是否适用于所有可能的英语句子? 我认为这会非常困难。

如果句子足够“容易”,假设第一个动词之前的所有内容都是主语可能就足够了。 这适用于您的示例,但不适用于以下语句:

yesterday the princess looked from the palace, she was happy.
the princes who drank tea looked from the palace, she was happy.



the princess looked at the prince, he was happy.

为了在最一般的情况下解决你的问题,你应该找到(或作出)英语(或任何其他)语言的正式说明,这可以告诉你句子的哪一部分是主语,动词,宾语等例如:许多简单的英语句子的形式是(括号[]之间的部分是可选的,括号()之间的部分是选择,即(| a)意味着你应该选择'the'或'a'):

sentence := subject verb [object]


subject, object := (noun_part_of_sentence|noun_part_of_sentence_plural)
noun_part_of_sentence := article [adjectivelist] [noun_modifier] noun # I guess there is a formal name for this...
noun_part_of_sentence_plural := [adjectivelist] [noun_modifier] noun_plural # note: no article
adjectivelist:= adjective [adjectivelist] # i.e., one or more adjectives


noun_part_of_sentence := (the|a) [adjectivelist] [noun_modifier] [noun] [adjective_phrase]
adjective_phrase := relative_pronoun verb [object]
relative_pronoun := (who|which|that)


The princess drank the tea.
The beautiful princess drank the tea.
The beautiful princess drank delicious the tea.
A beautiful princess drank delicious the lemon tea.
The beautiful princess who saw the handsome prince drank the refreshing tea.
The beautiful princess who saw the handsome prince who made the tea drank the refreshing tea.

然而,它不允许(例如)“公主看着宫殿”,“公主喝茶”(注意:不是'茶')和无限其他的句子。 诀窍是将你的正式规范扩展到适合你所期望的句子类型的级别。

在你成功地分析你的句子之后,你(因此)知道什么是主语,任何代词,你可以做替代。 但请注意,英语不是毫不含糊的,例如:

The princess looked at her mother, she was happy.




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上一篇: replacing pronoun with its antecedent using python2.7 and nltk

下一篇: Ember template and Google AdSense