Programmatically make datalist of input[type=url] appear with JavaScript

In Chrome and as for now the Datalist only appears when typing or double clicking on the input element, eg

I'm trying to make the datalist appear sooner. Ideally I would put a little "dropdown arrow" next to the input that when clicked would make the Datalist appear.

I'm looking for a webkit solution.

I can't find anything in the specification how to do this.

Also I noticed that the implementation in current browsers seem to vary quite a bit (click vs dbl-click, arrow-key's, full versus filtered list and how filters match the partial input, etc).

To me, it seems that for now there is still no properly working combo-box and the data-list seems to be in it's infancy.

So it appears you'd currently be better of to roll your own or use a ready library.
It seems to me the 'minimul datalist' library is rather popular (good link to read to).
On that page is a link to it's GitHub code and a demo page.

Side-note: I'd love that some-one gives a better answer! Also, at first I thought it was a good idea to leave out the arrow-button so people could have better styling-options for a drop-down button if they wanted one that they could hook-up to the datalist/autocomplete/combobox. I'm surprised all this still seems unspecified and not natively supported. Please, spec-writers, give us the simple native combo-box (that is overdue for so long) and then add spice like filters!

Edit: There is an open Feature request since August 2012 on the Chromium project that asks for a drop-down functionality:

  • Issue 152375: Add drop down toggle on input tag with datalist

  • How about something like this? Since Chrome does place an icon on hover I placed this image so that it would be in the same spot.

    background-origin: content-box;

    上一篇: 适用于已过时版本的HighCharts API

    下一篇: 以编程方式使输入[type = url]的datalist以JavaScript显示