Bitwise operations on boolean values

From my knowledge, bitwise operators perform a check on all corresponding bits, as in:

echo 64 | 32;   //prints 96
echo 'a' & 'b'; //prints `

While conditional && and || operators perform operations on boolean values:

echo (int)(true && false); //prints: 0
echo (int)(true || false); //prints: 1

When I (in my head) want to predict the result of a bitwise operation, I first convert the values into their binary representation (which depends on the datatype). After this, I compare it bit-for-bit, and convert the result into the suitable output type (which I suppose is determined by the operands). Although at one point, I tried doing the same with boolean values, which (from my knowledge) only consists of one bit in memory, making true corresponding to 1₂ , and making false corresponding to 0₂ (in binary). Performing bitwise operations on these values should therefore produce a similar result as with && and || , right? To show you what I mean:

true & false    =>      1₂ & 0₂      =>      0₂     =>     false
true | false    =>      1₂ | 0₂      =>      1₂     =>     true
~true           =>      ~1₂          =>      0₂     =>     false

(Not including xor , as there's no corresponding conditional boolean operator.)

To me, it looks like the behaviour should be really equivalent to conditional operators:

true && false   =>      false
true || false   =>      true
!true           =>      false

So therefore, I set this code up to test it:

    echo "true AND false: " . ((true && false) ? "1" : "0") . "<br />n";
    echo "true OR false: " . ((true || false) ? "1" : "0") . "<br />n";
    echo "NOT true: " . ((!true) ? "1" : "0") . "<br />n";

    echo "<br />n";

    echo "true BITAND false: " . ((true & false) ? "1" : "0") . "<br />n";
    echo "true BITOR false: " . ((true | false) ? "1" : "0") . "<br />n";
    echo "BITNOT true: " . ((~true) ? "1" : "0") . "<br />n";

It gave me the following output:

true AND false: 0
true OR false: 1
NOT true: 0

true BITAND false: 0
true BITOR false: 1

Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in C:Abyss Web Serverhtdocshandler.php on line 21

So from this, I have two questions:

  • What's the point with && and || , if we (as it seems) can use & and | on boolean values instead?
  • Why can't I do ~true (or with other words, why aren't boolean values supported)? To me, it sounds logical that ~true returns false .
  • I did come up with one thing, being that && and || will (sometimes) cast the values into bool and thereafter return the correct results, if we (by mistake) would happen to pass a value that's not of type bool . But to solve that, can't we just do a cast first? Such as:

    if ((bool)$foo & (bool)$bar) { ...

    It feels like I'm missing a major piece here that changes everything... But just in case I didn't, I included as much info as I could. Could someone make me understand this a bit better, by answering my two questions? I'm pretty confused at this point, and I've been thinking about this for quite some time.

    Answer 1

    Parts of a boolean expressions ( || , && , ! , ...) are only evaluated if needed (from left to right):

      if ($a | func()) { } // func is always called
      if ($a || func()) { } // func is not called if $a is true,
                            // because expression is true whatever func will return
      if ($a && func()) { } // func is not called if $a is false,
                            // because expression is false whatever func will return
      func() || exit(); // exit() will be called if func() returns false

    Take a look at the documentation:

    Answer 2

    ~true seems not to be meaningful: true is 0x00...01 and ~true will be 0xff...fe and not false 0x000...0 :

    var_dump(~((int)true)); // prints: int(-2)
    echo dechex(~((int)true)); // prints: fffffffffffffffe

    Use ! -operator instead:

    var_dump(!true); // prints: bool(false)


    Use bitwise operators only if you need to change bits.

    true and false boolean flags, albeit being stored in memory as 32-bit or 64-bit values, should be considered just as two-states boolean values. You'll end up using it only on brach guards so you should not make arithmetic over them. && and || evaluates as boolean flags, bitwise operators & and | evaluates as the same of the operands (eg int & int evaluates as int , int && int evaluates as boolean).

    the story is: use && and || when you have to take decisions over some conditions. Use & and | to perform boolean arithmetic over values.

    that's C++

    C doesn't have any built-in boolean values so any non zero value is a true , and zero is false .


    上一篇: 使用量角器以布尔值获取元素可用性状态

    下一篇: 按位操作布尔值