Why does parseInt(1/0, 19) return 18?

I've an annoying problem in JavaScript.

> parseInt(1 / 0, 19)
> 18

Why does parseInt return 18 ?

The result of 1/0 is Infinity .

parseInt treats its first argument as a string which means first of all Infinity.toString() is called, producing the string "Infinity" . So it works the same as if you asked it to convert "Infinity" in base 19 to decimal.

Here are the digits in base 19 along with their decimal values:

Base 19   Base 10 (decimal)
   0            0
   1            1
   2            2
   3            3
   4            4
   5            5
   6            6
   7            7
   8            8
   9            9
   a            10
   b            11
   c            12
   d            13
   e            14
   f            15
   g            16
   h            17
   i            18

What happens next is that parseInt scans the input "Infinity" to find which part of it can be parsed and stops after accepting the first I (because n is not a valid digit in base 19).

Therefore it behaves as if you called parseInt("I", 19) , which converts to decimal 18 by the table above.

Here's the sequence of events:

  • 1/0 evaluates to Infinity
  • parseInt reads Infinity and happily notes that I is 18 in base 19
  • parseInt ignores the remainder of the string, since it can't be converted.
  • Note that you'd get a result for any base >= 19 , but not for bases below that. For bases >= 24 , you'll get a larger result, as n becomes a valid digit at that point.

    To add to the above answers:

    parseInt is intended to parse strings into numbers (the clue is in the name). In your situation, you don't want to do any parsing at all since 1/0 is already a number, so it's a strange choice of function. If you have a number (which you do) and want to convert it to a particular base, you should use toString with a radix instead.

    var num = 1 / 0;
    var numInBase19 = num.toString(19); // returns the string "Infinity"
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/1310.html

    上一篇: 标准的JSON API响应格式?

    下一篇: 为什么parseInt(1/0,19)返回18?