How to pipe stderr, and not stdout?

I have a program that writes information to stdout and stderr , and I need to grep through what's coming to stderr, while disregarding stdout.

I can of course do it in 2 steps:

command > /dev/null 2> temp.file
grep 'something' temp.file

but I would prefer to be able to do this without temp files. Are there any smart piping tricks?

First redirect stderr to stdout — the pipe; then redirect stdout to /dev/null (without changing where stderr is going):

command 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep 'something'

For the details of I/O redirection in all its variety, see the chapter on Redirections in the Bash reference manual.

Note that the sequence of I/O redirections is interpreted left-to-right, but pipes are set up before the I/O redirections are interpreted. File descriptors such as 1 and 2 are references to open file descriptions. The operation 2>&1 makes file descriptor 2 aka stderr refer to the same open file description as file descriptor 1 aka stdout is currently referring to (see dup2() and open() ). The operation >/dev/null then changes file descriptor 1 so that it refers to an open file description for /dev/null , but that doesn't change the fact that file descriptor 2 refers to the open file description which file descriptor 1 was originally pointing to — namely, the pipe.

Or to swap the output from stderr and stdout over use:-

command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3

This creates a new file descriptor (3) and assigns it to the same place as 1 (stdout), then assigns fd 1 (stdout) to the same place as fd 2 (stderr) and finally assigns fd 2 (stderr) to the same place as fd 3 (stdout). Stderr is now available as stdout and old stdout preserved in stderr. This may be overkill but hopefully gives more details on bash file descriptors (there are 9 available to each process).

In Bash, you can also redirect to a subshell using process substitution:

command > >(stdlog pipe)  2> >(stderr pipe)

For the case at hand:

command 2> >(grep 'something') >/dev/null

上一篇: 新手python子进程:“写入错误:断开的管道”

下一篇: 如何管道stderr,而不是标准输出?